EntrepreneurshipliveONE BEPPU DREAMdreamstageentrepreneurspresentationsbeppu
Beppu, a tourist town, has been suffering from enormous economic damage due to the effects of the current coronavirus pandemic. However, even under such circumstances, with a vision for the future, many entrepreneurs in Beppu are still coming up with several new business ideas. At "ONE BEPPU DREAM AWARD 2020", eight entrepreneurs presented their business plans that have been brushed up for half a year. This time, we will deliver details of this event.
● Event name: ONE BEPPU DREAM AWARD2020 Entrepreneurship / Founding Department
● Date and time: Friday, October 2, 2020 16: 30-18: 00 (opens at 16:00)
● Delivery method: Live on YoutubeLIVE
● Website: https://suits.media/obda2020/
● Organizer: Beppu City, Planning / Operation: General Incorporated Beppu City B-biz LINK
Originally scheduled to be held on February 29, 2020, the schedule was then postponed due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and the number of visitors was restricted while practicing social distancing. The event was done in a hybrid type and delivered via Youtube LIVE.
Eight finalists selected from 33 entries presented their business plans during the event. 147 supporter awards (business matching) have been established, in which 65 supporter companies offer support such as physical support (exchanging and introducing), brushing up business models, providing and lending places, etc...
Mrs. Rika Tsutsumi (left) won 24 supporter awards. She also won the Audience Award (including online viewers).
The event was broadcast on Youtube LIVE, and the day after the event, the total number of views exceeded 2,000, and many people were interested in it.
Mr. Kenyu Enjoji giving a presentation on the theme of "Protecting the Archives of Beppu" (2nd year, Department of Cultural Properties, Faculty of Literature, Beppu University)
Miss Hikari Furukawa (3rd-year student, College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) giving a presentation on food waste resolution under the theme of "Amairo Shoten - Free Supermarket"
ONE BEPPU DREAM AWARD will be held for the second time, following last year’s event. At B-biz LINK, which operates GENSEN, we will continue to accompany the companies and finalist members involved in this event and support them to become Beppu-rooted businesses or projects. Please pay attention to the activities of the finalists in the future!
Mrs. Yasumi Shiomi
"Protecting the "hot spring community" of Oita - Onsen Prefecture."
Mr. Ryutaro Yoshida
"Teaching robot programming to children in Beppu and send them to JAXA!"
Mr. Kenyu Enjoji
"Let's protect the archives of Beppu"
Mr. Seiichiro Maruyama
"Travel Education ++ Tabiiku purapura"
Mr. Hiroaki Suzuki
"Caviar farming revolution starting in Beppu
Ms. Hikari Furukawa
"Amairo Shoten - Free Supermarket-"
Mr. Masamitsu Katsu
"An art village in Beppu"
Mrs. Rika Tsutsumi
"KIDEA - "Starting from love" multicultural communication